The basic recipe is as follows: for a single flatbread, you need around 100 grams of flour and 60 grams of cold water. For the cooking, use a frying pan – non-stick is ideal but any will do.
These weights are not set in stone. You just want enough liquid to bind the flour into a dough. To make more, simply multiply the quantities. For example, 400 grams of flour and 240 grams of water will make about four flatbreads, depending on the size of your pan.
Any wheat flour works well. Plain white is perfectly fine; wholemeal will add texture and flavour; strong white bread flour is also excellent.
Put the flour in a large bowl and add an optional pinch of salt. Add the water, bit by bit, squidging it all together with one hand until the mixture comes together. This is the basic dough. Knead for three minutes, shape into a ball and leave to rest for about half an hour.
After this, get ready to roll them flat. Sprinkle a little flour on a flat surface. Tug off a handful of dough – perhaps 100 to 150 grams - for each flatbread, roll into a ball, let it rest for few minutes, then roll as flat as you can.
Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add the flatbread, with no oil or butter. Flip over when the first side looks cooked.
That’s it – nothing could be easier. Eat while still warm. Obviously, there are endless variations. For example, you can add herbs or spices to the dough. Or switch the water for yoghurt.
You can also use the cooked flatbreads as wraps. Or sprinkle with cheese and flash under the grill for an adhoc pizza, or fold for a Mexican quesadilla. You will find more ideas on the Rhyl Kitchen Classroom website – see you there!